Monday, November 12, 2012

Love Story

At 17:30 in Cafe Asteasu

Somewhere, in a land far away of the civilization there was the town of Tolose, a small town of farmers where they work very hardly. Every day in the morning when the sun rise up they woke up and they started a new day of their monotonous lives. They had breakfast, a stale piece of bread and a bit of bacon with a glass of wine. And then, they went to the fields to work. In a sunny day, one of the farm workers called Axintxio was doing some weeding in her garden, located near the road to go to the town. Suddenly in the track appeared a person covered with a large cape and the person stood in front of the men who was working.

Axintxio stopped working because he was surprised, he didn’t know who was that person and he was curious. Through the days he realized that the mysterious person was a very beautiful girl, which chooses her future husband. A week later, she appeared again in front of Axintxio. He didn’t expect what was happening. He wanted to say some words to her, but he was very shy and he continued working.

Months later, when Axintxio was dreaming a beautiful dream with the girl whose name he didn’t know yet, he suddenly woke up with a feeling that on that day he will see her and they will talk, but, she didn’t appeared and he continued the day very sad, with the hope he will found her, that day was ending and he hadn't found her, but when he was going to bed he heard a voice, a nice voice, the nice voice was coming from downstairs, minutes later, another worker called Axintxio and he went running downstairs. When Axintxio was down the worker said him that a beautiful girl left him a post letter.

Axintxio took the post letter of the pretty girl and started to read it. She had a beautiful letter, with precious caricatures, and inside the post letter, apart from it, also had there was a photo. Axintxio, saw the picture before reading the post, and saw that she was the woman who had been in love these days. Later, he read the post, but he fixed in the most important of all these, in down: a date, a time and a location; tomorrow, at 17: 30 in Cafe Asteasu.

Suddenly he began to get very nervous because time was coming and he started to think more and more in what he was going to do when he saw a beautiful girl, the girl of his dreams. Axintxio went to the Cafe where they have been met and there she was, sitting in a chair, drinking a caffe. He didn’t know very well what to do. Should he say hello? Should he say his name? He became crazy but finally he decided to go, and to his surprise the girl declared her love to him and she gave him a kiss.

When they began to talk, the first thing that Axintxio knew was that her name was Naia. In the beginning he was feeling very nervous, after all she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Axintxio was very glad to meet her, but he asked her why she didn’t talk him directly or personally. She answered him that really she was as shy as him, so he used the letter to say where and when could he find her. They realised that they’ve similar likings for music, food and pastimes.
The years passed in Tolose, Axintxio and Naia were felt in love, every day Axintxio met with Naia in one park in the same time and in the same bench. But one day Axintxio didn't appeared he didn’t say anything to Naia. Naia very sadly decided to don’t speak to Axintxio in one time. But to surprise to the following day Axintxio asked to Naia to marriage with him, Naia very excited accepted. The years passed and Axintxio and Naia were very happy with their children Jozu, Homazuma, Miquel, Axteris, Alvaro, Rodrigo and Steff.

This last weeks we have been working in cooperative groups with the objetive of writing a sotory for each person. For this each of us we have started a istory writting the first  paragraph. After that we had to continue other people stories. Rotating them util we heve finished. For this project we have used the google docs sharing the documents with the classmatesof our coperative groups. In my opinion all of the story we have written  are briliant but mine is better, Here yu have the links for see the other istories:

Ander Congil 

Irati Salaberria

Julen Irazusta

Iene Arana

Gorka Vildarraz

Julen Artano

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